Learning A Hobby – Language

Learn A Hobby The Turkish Way

You can have fun in Turkey by learning different hobbies.

If you’re staying in Turkey for a long period of time, take up a new hobby with a Turkish slant on it. In Turkey you can enjoy a variety of hobbies, whereby a lot of these courses are given in English for tourists so you can join them without worrying about the language barrier.

Impress Your Friends – Learn To Speak Turkish

In Turkey, foreigners can enjoy lots of opportunities to learn the Turkish language and thus form closer bonds with it’s people.. As with any new language, you will have many options to study Turkish either through the language departments of universities or in private language schools. You can advance quickly in gaining elementary Turkish, a deeply rooted language with thousands of years of history, by engaging in conversations with people on the street; at coffee shops, at a bazaar or at a sports event. To improve your Turkish, you can go to language courses and enjoy examples of Turkish literature, theater and movies. Learning Turkish, a rich and deeply rooted language that has been nourished from diverse sources just like the culture of the country, will help you directly experience Turkey’s culture, history and daily life.

TÖMER (Ankara University Turkish and Foreign Languages Research and Application Center) is one the favored institutions for studying Turkish with branches all over the country. You can easily benefit from Turkish for foreigners special programs offered by TÖMER. In addition, there are private Turkish language courses certified by the Ministry of National Education whereby students who enroll in such programs receive state certificates of proficiency. Those who want to improve their Turkish will have no difficulty in practicing their language skills with the open-hearted, conversation-loving people in Turkey. TÖMER also offers many other foreign language courses, English being chief among them, has been the language learning institution of choice especially for foreigners. For English language studies, the American Cultural Center and British Council are also well-known institutions with branches in most Turkish cities. In addition, for those who want to study French, the address of choice is the French Culture Institute, which also has branches in several cities. For German, usually DAS Akademie is a preferred center.

Common Words
Good Day
İyi Günler
Good bye
Good evening
İyi Akşamlar
Thank you
Good night
İyi Geceler
Excuse Me
Getting Around
How do I go to…
….’ya nasıl giderim?
Where can I find a taxi/bus/metro
Nerde taksi/otobüs/metro bulabilirim?
Stop please
Durun lütfen
How much longer to…
…’ye daha ne kadar var?
Turn left/right
Sola/sağa dönün
Restaurants and Shops
How much is this?
Bu ne kadar?
Can I see the menu/bill?
Menüyü görebilir miyim? / Hesabı alabilir miyim?
Is this from in Turkey?
Bu Türkiye’den mi?
Where is the toilet?
Tuvalet nerde?
Is this alcoholic?
Bu alkollü mü?
Is this vegetarian?
Bu vejetaryen mi?
Other Useful Phrases
I love Turkey!
Türkiye’yi seviyorum!
Will you marry me?
Benimle evlenir misin?

Aside from Turkish, Kurdish and Arabic are the two commonly spoken languages especially in the southeastern and eastern cities of Turkey. There are an increasing number of language courses being offered for these languages in recent years. Especially the increase of Turkey’s trade volume with Middle Eastern countries makes these the two most sought-after languages by companies.